Comprehensive Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Small Businesses

Uncover Vulnerabilities and Strengthen Your Defenses – Starting At Just $49

Protect your business with our in-depth cybersecurity risk assessment. Identify internal and external threats, secure sensitive data, and receive expert guidance tailored to your business’s unique needs. Take control of your cybersecurity today.

Learn How To Secure Your Business With Our Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats: In today’s digital age, small businesses are prime targets for cyber attacks. Without a solid cybersecurity strategy, your business is at risk of data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage.

Our Comprehensive Cybersecurity Risk Assessment offers an in-depth evaluation of your security posture, helping you identify vulnerabilities and understand your risks.

Your Security Expert will provide you with actionable insights and tailored recommendations to enhance your cybersecurity defenses.

Key Components of Your Risk Assessment

Gain valuable insights and detailed analysis with our comprehensive assessment. Each of these key features is designed to pinpoint vulnerabilities and offer actionable recommendations.

What goes into your assessment?

Internal Vulnerability Scanning

Identify internal weaknesses: Our assessment includes detailed scans of your internal network to uncover vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors within your organization. We use advanced tools to scan your systems, ensuring that no potential risk is overlooked.

  • Comprehensive Scanning: Every device and network component is examined for security flaws.
  • Actionable Insights: Receive a detailed report highlighting each vulnerability and its potential impact.

External Vulnerability Scanning

Evaluate external threats: We perform extensive scans of your external interfaces to detect vulnerabilities that could be targeted by external attackers. This proactive approach helps you defend against threats before they can cause harm.

  • Thorough Examination: All external points of entry are analyzed for weaknesses.
  • Preventative Measures: Recommendations on how to secure your external interfaces against future attacks.

Sensitive Data Discovery

Protect critical information: Our tools discover and report on sensitive data within your systems, helping you secure vital business information from unauthorized access. This process is crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

  • Data Mapping: Identify where sensitive data is stored within your network.
  • Security Enhancements: Suggestions on how to better protect your sensitive information.

Compliance Summary

Stay compliant: Ensure your business meets industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance tracking feature. Keeping up with compliance requirements can prevent legal issues and fines.

  • Regulatory Adherence: Check your systems against relevant compliance standards.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Regular updates to keep your business compliant as regulations change.

Dark Web Scan

Discover potential breaches: We scan the dark web for any signs that your business data has been compromised or is being sold, allowing you to take swift action. This added layer of security helps you stay ahead of potential threats.

  • Real-Time Alerts: Immediate notifications if your data appears on the dark web.
  • Proactive Defense: Steps you can take to mitigate risks associated with dark web exposure.

What does your business receive?

Your Small Business Security Portal

Access your security data anytime: Gain lifetime access to your personalized security portal, where all your assessment reports and security data are stored. This ensures you always have the information you need at your fingertips.

  • Permanent Records: Keep all your security assessments in one place.
  • 24/7 Access: Review your data anytime, from anywhere.

Risk Assessment Reporting

Receive detailed insights: Our reports provide a thorough analysis of your cybersecurity risks, including specific vulnerabilities and recommended actions. These reports are designed to be easy to understand and implement.

  • Detailed Analysis: Clear explanations of identified risks.
  • Actionable Steps: Specific recommendations for mitigating each risk.

Quick Assessment Turnaround

Fast and efficient service: Our team works quickly to deliver your reports and assessment results directly to your secure portal. This allows you to take action without delay.

  • Rapid Turnaround: Receive your detailed reports within 2 days.
  • Efficient Process: Minimal time required from your end to get started.

Exclusive Community Bonus

Join a network of peers: Gain access to a private community of small business owners who share your security concerns. Exchange ideas, ask questions, and get support from peers and experts alike.

  • Community Support: Interact with other business owners facing similar challenges.
  • Expert Advice: Access tips and insights from cybersecurity professionals.

How It Works

Small Business Risk Assessment Process Overview

1. Create Your Account and Access Your Portal

Begin by setting up your account in our secure portal. This will be your hub for managing the risk assessment process and accessing your results.

  • Easy Sign-Up: Quickly create an account with just a few details.
  • Secure Access: Log into your dedicated security portal anytime, from anywhere.

2. Add Needed Information and Install the Scanning Agent

Provide some basic information about your company and install our scanning agent to begin the assessment. This step ensures we have all the necessary details to conduct a thorough evaluation.

  • Company Information: Fill out a simple form with essential details about your business and its IT infrastructure.
  • Agent Installation: Follow straightforward instructions to install the scanning agent on your network.

3. Wait for Your Security Expert to Email You with Results

Once the scanning process is complete, our security expert will analyze the data and prepare a detailed report. You will receive an email notification when your results are ready.

  • Thorough Analysis: Our expert reviews the findings and compiles an actionable report.
  • Quick Turnaround: Receive your results in your secure portal within two days.
  • Optional Consultation: Schedule a meeting with our security expert to discuss the findings and recommendations.

Small Business Cybersecurity
Risk Assessment Pricing

Why Wait?

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Get started with our expert cybersecurity solutions tailored for small businesses. Our actionable, email security and anti-spoofing course is available for free with all Pillar Security accounts.

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