Cybersecurity Resources

Live with confidence in your cybersecurity.

At Pillar Security, we strive to empower you with the knowledge and tools to protect your business from cyber threats. Below are some essential tools and resources to help you enhance your cybersecurity posture.

Are You Vulnerable To Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is a technique used by cybercriminals to forge the sender address on emails, making them appear as if they come from a trusted source. By checking your SPF, DMARC, and DKIM records, you can protect your domain from being exploited by these attacks.

SPF verifies the sender’s IP address, DKIM adds a digital signature to emails, and DMARC ensures these mechanisms are working together to protect your domain.

While BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) helps enhance brand recognition by displaying your logo in emails, it is not critical for preventing spoofing. If your domain does not pass BIMI checks, it won’t significantly impact your email security.

Use this domain scanning tool to see if your business is vulnerable! Then, get access to your Free Anti-Spoofing Course for simple, actionable guidance on how to secure your domain yourself.

Free Anti-Spoofing Course

Guard Your Business Against Email Attacks

Start with our free domain and email security course
and see how Pillar Security can protect your business.

Learn how to protect your domain from email spoofing attacks. We'll guide you through checking and configuring the Domain Name Service (DNS) records that define your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings. Don't worry - we go over what those accronyms mean in an approachable way, focusing on what you need to know and why they matter for your business.

Business Email Compromise attacks are now even more costly than ransomware attacks, according to the FBI. Learn how to find out if you are vulnerable to hackers spoofing your email domain, allowing them to pretend to be your business. This can lead to fraudulent invoices paid, sensitive data compromised, and your business' reputation destroyed.

  • Easy-to-Follow Videos: Step-by-step guidance on checking and configuring SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings.
  • Practical Tools: Access to tools and resources to help you secure your domain.
  • Quick and Informative: Spend less than 30 minutes to gain valuable insights.

Free Tools We Use

Have I Been Pwned?

Check if your email addresses have been compromised in any data breaches.

How Secure Is My Password?

Test the strength of your passwords to ensure they are secure against potential attacks.


Scan files and URLs for viruses, malware, and other security threats.

Mozilla Observatory

Evaluate your website’s security configurations and get recommendations for improvements.

Why Wait?

Secure Your Business Today!

Get started with our expert cybersecurity solutions tailored for small businesses. Our actionable, email security and anti-spoofing course is available for free with all Pillar Security accounts.

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