Pillar Security enables your small business to

Defend your business assets. Strengthen your cybersecurity posture.
Access expert support. Handle threats with confidence.

   Together with Pillar Security.

Feeling Uncertain About

Your Company’s Cybersecurity?

Are You Prepared?

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for small teams and IT departments. With limited resources and expertise, protecting your business from sophisticated cyber attacks can be overwhelming. This constant pressure can create anxiety, leaving you wondering if your defenses are strong enough and unsure of the next steps to take.

Cybercrime is intensifying. With the sophistication of attacks on the rise, small businesses and IT teams are frequently targeted by cybercriminals.

Small businesses are particularly vulnerable and typically lack the resources to adequately defend against or respond to cyber threats. This ever-present danger can lead to anxiety, making you question the sufficiency of your security protocols and leaving you unsure about the steps needed to fortify your defenses.

Businesses Just Like Yours Have:

Pillar Security Has Your Business Covered.

We provide expert assistance and detailed, step-by-step instructions to help you secure your digital operations and assets. Cybersecurity starts with your team, and our solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of small businesses and IT departments, ensuring protection and peace of mind. With affordable plans and ongoing updates, Pillar Security makes top-tier cybersecurity accessible to all.

Imagine having a clear, actionable plan to safeguard your company’s digital environment, reducing stress and providing confidence. Our continuous support and expert guidance mean you’re never alone in facing cyber threats. Start your journey to clarity and security with Pillar Security today.

What We Do… Differently.

DIY Guides & Tools

Your own cybersecurity toolkit.

Unlock a wealth of resources designed to help your team master its cybersecurity. From step-by-step guides to practical tools, we provide everything your small business or IT team needs to build a robust defense against cyber threats.

Direct Expert Access

A security pro in your pocket.

Gain access to professional advice and personalized training from seasoned cybersecurity experts. Whether you need consulting, cybersecurity project management, or hands-on support, we’re here to help you enhance your skills and secure your environment with confidence.

Holistic Advisory

Common sense cybersecurity.

Empowering small businesses and IT teams with budget-friendly cybersecurity solutions. Our goal is to make top-tier protection accessible to everyone, ensuring you have the tools and knowledge to safeguard your digital assets without breaking the bank.

Small Business Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Learn Your Cybersecurity Risk - Starting At Just $49!

Discover hidden threats, identify vulnerabilities, and get your tailored small business cybersecurity roadmap. Ourcomprehensive risk assessment provides a thorough analysis of your cybersecurity posture, enabling you to identify and mitigate potential risks effectively. This service is designed to deliver fast, reliable results with minimal disruption to your operations.

Our risk assessment includes:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: We conduct a thorough assessment of your internal and external cybersecurity vulnerabilities to provide a holistic view of your security posture.
  • Detailed Report: Our findings are compiled into a detailed report that clearly outlines the vulnerabilities and provides actionable insights.
  • Customized Action Plan: Receive a tailored action plan with specific recommendations to improve your business’s cybersecurity.
  • Fast Results: Get your assessment results delivered to your secure portal within 2 days, so you can act quickly.
  • Efficient Process: The initial setup requires just 30 minutes of your time, making it a hassle-free experience.

Strengthen your business’s cybersecurity now with our expert risk assessment and consultation service. Starting at just $49!

Free Anti-Spoofing Course

Guard Your Business Against Email Attacks

Start with our free domain and email security course
and see how Pillar Security can protect your business.

Learn how to protect your domain from email spoofing attacks. We'll guide you through checking and configuring the Domain Name Service (DNS) records that define your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings. Don't worry - we go over what those accronyms mean in an approachable way, focusing on what you need to know and why they matter for your business.

Business Email Compromise attacks are now even more costly than ransomware attacks, according to the FBI. Learn how to find out if you are vulnerable to hackers spoofing your email domain, allowing them to pretend to be your business. This can lead to fraudulent invoices paid, sensitive data compromised, and your business' reputation destroyed.

  • Easy-to-Follow Videos: Step-by-step guidance on checking and configuring SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings.
  • Practical Tools: Access to tools and resources to help you secure your domain.
  • Quick and Informative: Spend less than 30 minutes to gain valuable insights.

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